Honey Bees Need Our Help
Save The Bees LLC Has A Break-Through Solution That Needs Immediate Wide-Spread Adoption
- The Only RF/EMF Shielded Hive System On The Market Today!
- Shielded Hives Are Preferred 100% By Honey Bees In Test Studies
- Zero Winter Loss Of Healthy Established Colonies In Last 5 Years.
- Self-Expanding Apiaries Increases Colony Numbers On Their Own.
- “Forever Hive” Tm Systems Are The Perfect Home For Swarming Bees.
- “Jumbo Series” Hives Require Less Than 20 Minutes Yearly In The Hive.
- RF/EMF Shielding Results In Healthier And More Productive Colonies.
- Effective Varrora Mite Control, Eliminates Oxalic Acid Usage.

Get Involved
Now's Your Chance
to Save the Bees
The Honey Bee is accredited for pollinating almost half the nation’s food crops. Our research at SAVE THE BEES LLC has been focused around the benefits and preference of the honey bees to live in shielded hives. With 5 winters of ZERO COLONY LOSS and well-established next generation preferences to RF/EMF SHIELDED HIVES.
Resulting in a SELF-EXPANDING APAIRY, where as the bees will accept new housing automatically in the spring. Just set out a newly finished “FOREVER HIVE” or one of our “JUMBO” series Hives and watch them FILL-UP!
Never again be without Honey Bees on your property.
For information on how and why our system works, please order your copy of the book “SAVE THE BEES”. Available soon in DIGITAL and PRINT.